Sunday, May 31, 2009

Yes, breezey time it is. Maybe we are to be weather vanes, bringing one another to watery knowledge in this desert, in this barren land, all dry and sandy and bone white from the torrential burning heat thrown off by sun's self-sustaining and unrelenting nuclear bombs exploding over and over above us, just out there a bit. Too close for comfort, really, if you ask me, but we're not afraid, even it is a bit uncomfortable. We all know it's there, just don't stare at it, and follow us to shade. To the dark. Don't be afraid. Hey, don't cry, it's all going to be all right, you just need to rest. You can have some of my shade, I'll scoot over.
Well, here we are again, right in the middle, right in the swirling center vortex of all things. We are hurtling, hurtling I tell you! And the end is no where in sight. But that's the thing with light speed. By the time you've seen what you're headed towards you've already left it behind. So we're hurtling in the dark, in the big dark. Even when the lights are on, it just helps us see the dark better. Don't be alarmed, joe-ksters galore, we are not afraid of the dark. We might tremble, and shuffle, and twitch, but it's not fear. At least, it's not anymore. Now we just feel the breeze of time flowing past, tingling our cheeks, sometimes stinging our eyes (or are those tears...? Let's call it liquid awareness if anything, but certainly not tears of fear.)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The thing I want everyone to know is that I love them , you know, there's love there and it's for them, and them is you, and I love you them it is all going to be OK if I can just get through this cursed paper wall of noises off. Whoa! Was that a grape? Did you see that? Come on , where did it go? I can't hear you them it anymore. Hard truths await our soft core heroes, joe next door. Some strange thing blows strong upon the fresh joey wind. What the hell was that? A grape? Stay thirsty my friends.
zoo them it ( and you too)

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